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China (MOST) - Israel 1st joint-Call for Proposals for Industrial R&D projects
2012-05-19 19:36

 China and Israel are announcing the 1st Joint-Call for Proposals for Industrial R&D Projects in all technological fields.

The Call is jointly administered by MATIMOP – The Israeli Industry Center for R&D, on behalf of the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) of the Ministry of Industry Trade and Labor in Israel, and the MOST - The Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology. This Call is unique as it gives the opportunity to Israeli & Chinese companies (FROM ALL THE PROVINCES  OF CHINA) to submit their project proposals.

The program is open to all projects based on merit that include science and technology (S&T) development leading to commercial success, social good and benefit to both countries.

For more information, please find the call published in the websites:

www.most.gov.cn/tztg/201205/t20120515_94407.htm (Chinese)

www.matimop.org.il/Call_China.html (English)

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