Mr. Yang Weize Visits Israel
From 29th November to 3rd December, the Nanjing Technological and Economic Delegation headed by Mr. Yang weize, Party Secretary of Nanjing Municipal Committee of the CPC visited Israel. On November 30th, Ambassador Gao Yanping met with the delegation in her residence, Mr. Zhou Guolin, Science and Technology Counselor of the Embassy of China, was present.
Ambassador Gao welcomed and briefed the delegation the latest development in Israeli science and technology as well as economic relations of the two countries. She said the complimentary advantages of the two countries brings more cooperation prospects for two sides. She emphasized Nanjing is one of the first and best places of China in regard of R&D cooperation with Israel. The good cooperation of high-tech enterprises between Nanjing and Israel not only realistically demonstrates economic and technological development of China to Israel, but also further promotes the pragmatic Sino-Israel cooperation.
Mr. Yang introduced Ambassador Gao the latest science-and-technology, economic and social development of Nanjing. He said that on the basis of fruitful Sino-Israel cooperation accomplishment, Nanjing is willing to strengthen cooperation between Nanjing and Israel in various fields including high-tech to make more contribution for the friendship and practical cooperation between the two countries.
During the visit, the delegation participated China (Nanjing)-Israel High-tech Cooperation Meeting held in Tel Aviv. Especially, the delegation has signed six cooperation agreements with Israeli partners during the meeting, which will further expend the R&D cooperation between Nanjing and Israel. The delegation also visited Weizmann Institute, Tel Aviv University, MATAM Park, Sheba Hospital, Netafim Company and Insight Technology Company, etc.