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Closing Film: Walking to School
2021-07-25 15:38

Welcome to join us with the closing film Walking to School. We look forward to presenting you with more high-quality Chinese films in future.

Walking to School, adapted from a real story, is a children's film focusing on how kids in the impoverished areas went to school by zip-line. Wawa is a seven-year-old boy from the Lisu minority in Yunan, China. Every day, his sister Naxiang and her friends have to ride the rusty old cable slide across the dangerous river to go to school. Wawa is a smart little boy and desperately wants to go as well, but his mother forbids him to cross the river by himself. However, one day Wawa decided to ride the cable across the river by himself and secretly visited his sister's school, which was a real eye-opener. His forbidden visits to the school became a daily habit until his sister Naxiang had a deadly accident with the cable slide on her way home from school.

Meanwhile, a new young teacher from the city is doing an internship at the school and realizes the importance of giving children a safe chance to attend school across the river . She decided to fight this problem.

Scan the QR and watch the full-length film.

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